- Allow me to warn you; tomorrow marks what is annually a special day for certain people and companies.
Tomorrow is April 1st and that means every text message, random phone call or social media post should be met with a certain amount of cynicism. Tech companies are known to take April fool’s day very seriously, or not seriously. Here is a link to an article in 2015 on the best pranks pulled by companies. Bonus- another article on the best and worst April fool’s day pranks. Do yourself a favor and use April 1st as a day to put the phone down and stay off social media.
- SpaceX made history yesterday with a successful launch of a commercial satellite into space on with the boost of a partly used rocket. The company, led by famous tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, has sought out to change the world with space travel and yesterday could have been a “giant step” in that direction. There are plenty of news articles out there on this launch, however, this link from Verge is worth checking out as it shows the short history of some of the failures SpaceX has endured to get to this point with some neat looking GIFs.
- Paul Magers, the former KARE 11 news anchor, who has been the lead anchor in Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate since leaving Minnesota announced that he is retiring from the news business and also that he has been battling alcoholism and in treatment. Check out a link to an interview he did with the station this week.
- The Minnesota Twins open their season next week and the hometown team continues to work to improve the game experience. The Star Tribune has this article on healthier options added to the Target Field menu. They are still working on incorporating the new foods into the 7th inning stretch singing of ‘Take me out to the ballgame’. Sorry Peanuts and crackerjacks.
- I was broadcasting a high school hockey game about 10 years ago when members of St. Thomas Academy Cadets team I interviewed prior to the game told me about two ridiculously talented eighth graders that I should focus on. The pair was the Minnesota Wild’s Jordan Schroeder and the New York Islanders’ Anders Lee. Since then Lee in particular has been one of my favorite players. He’s an incredible athlete who played five years of varsity sports, first at St. Thomas Academy and then at Edina. He played in state tournaments in both football and hockey for both schools. If I wasn’t already a huge fan, he posted this article on The Players Tribune this week about what sparked his motivation to start his foundation.