Jun 7, 2017 9:15:00 AM | Management Talent Management Success Story

Talent Management success story with local sports organization

I wanted to share another example of success with a recent consultant that I had come in contact with.

Cyber Advisors was looking for a network engineer to be a part of their growing managed services practice.  Through that process I had identified a couple of candidates that really stood out.  One in particular (let’s call him Bob) looked a little overqualified for what we were looking for, but his resume was very well written and I felt we should meet with him to at least find out his story.  After the initial phone screen to find out a little more about Bob and where he’s been, I knew he was someone we should bring in for a face-to-face technical interview.

The interview went very well, but the timing for us was just a little off for us.  We didn’t quite have the right internal or external opportunity available to keep Bob busy enough and utilize his full set of skills.  I called Bob and told him that the timing was a little off, and I would keep my eyes open for something that would be a better fit.

Fast forward a few weeks and an external opportunity came at us from a very well know professional sports organization in town.  They were in need of an enterprise level network engineer to help them out with some HIPPA/PCI compliance, employee technical assessments, and a network assessment.  They were looking for a shorter term engagement, utilizing the resource for about a month.  We here at Cyber Advisors have those internal resources on hand, but the timing just didn’t quite line up for what the client was looking for and I needed to look elsewhere to help them out.  They were in a serious time crunch to get this resource in the door and started.

I immediately went through my connections and saw that Bob was a near perfect match for what they needed.  He had managed people, hired, trained, built enterprise level networks, and he was well versed in HIPPA and PCI.  Bingo!

I called Bob and told him about the opportunity, and he jumped at the chance to get in there and help out the local sports franchise!

Fast-forward a month and Bob’s contract with the client was complete.  He had come in with his diverse experience and helped them get to the next level.  The client was extremely satisfied with the quality individual that Bob proved himself to be, and very excited to have partnered with Cyber Advisors on having this need fulfilled.

For me on the Business Development end it is great to know that any resource I put into a client’s environment will be vetted technically by one of the Partners, or the VP of Technical Services with a 1+ hour face-to-face interview to ensure that we are delivering talent who can come in and get the job done for the client.    

Look for Part 2 of this story in a couple weeks!

Written By: Marc Carlson