Apr 6, 2022 5:24:56 AM | gophish | how to | gophish setup

Gophish Setup: Gandi – Part 2

Please review our Gophish – Part 1 blog to ensure you are ready to proceed with configuring Gophish with Gandi before proceeding with the following blog post below.

In this part 2 post of the Gophish series, we will be configuring Gophish with a mail server by utilizing Gandi, a domain name registrar.

Gandi Domain Configuration

Purchasing a domain with Gandi will display the purchased domain with the admin console (as shown below):

White Oak Security’s screenshot of Purchasing a domain with Gandi will display the purchased domain with the admin console.

Clicking on the domain purchased will present additional settings that can be configured. The first option to setup is creation of an email address (as shown below):

Clicking on the domain purchased will present additional settings that can be configured. The first option to setup is creation of an email address, as shown here by White Oak Security.

After successful creation, the address will be shown below the email section (as shown in the screenshot below):

After successful creation, the address will be shown below the email section Which is being shown here in this screenshot by White Oak Security.

Gophish Setup

Let’s switch gears back to the Gophish server. After logging into the administrative interface, we will now configure a sending profile and test the email send functionality.

Selecting the “Sending Profiles” will allow a user to configure a SMTP profile connected to Gandi’s mail servers.

Gophish setup screenshot shows that by Selecting the “Sending Profiles” will allow a user to configure a SMTP profile connected to Gandi’s mail servers by White Oak Security’s expert pentesters.

The profile configuration page will be as shown below:

This screen capture by White Oak Security’s pentester shows the Gophish  profile configuration page, showing the from, host, username, and password feilds.

The following fields should be filled:

  • From: The from name / email address
  • Host: mail.gandi.net:587
  • Username: Email address configured in Gandi
  • Password: Email address password configured in Gandi

Selecting the “Send Test Email” function will allow an email to be sent to an end user.  As we can see in the screenshot below, the test email was received and the settings worked as expected.

in the screenshot below by White Oak Security, the test default email from Gophish was received and the settings worked as expected!

With this information, you can get a domain configured and a test phishing email received. In further blog posts, we will work on configuring Gophish to use specific phishing scenarios.

Stay tuned!

In case you missed it, here is Gophish Setup – Part 1.


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Written By: Brett DeWall