We Made CRN's 2017 Managed Services Provider 500 List...Again!

Feb 20, 2017 10:31:00 AM | Managed Services We Made CRN's 2017 Managed Services Provider 500 List...Again!

For the second year in a row, Cyber Advisors has placed on the CRN’s 2017 Managed Services Provider (MSP500) List!

For the second year in a row, Cyber Advisors has placed on the CRN’s 2017 Managed Services MSP_500_award_2017 (1).jpgProvider (MSP500) List! 

The MSP500 is CRN's annual list which recognizes the top technology providers and consultants in North America whose cutting-edge approach to managed services puts end-user customers in the best position to improve inefficiencies, cut costs and speed time to market for their own products and services.

CRN’s MSP 500 list is broken down into three groups: MSP Elite 150, who are large data center-focused solution providers with a strong mix of on-premise professional services as well as off-premise services; the MSP Pioneer 250, who have a business model heavily weighted toward managed services focused on the small- and midsize-business market; and the new Managed Service Security 100 highlights MSSPs/resellers with a significant  managed service practice.

This year Cyber Advisors placed in the MSP Elite 150 category. Please note there is no ranking associated with the MSP500 list.

To learn more about CRN's MSP 500 list here.

Written By: Katie McDonald