Oct 11, 2024 12:36:45 PM | Adversarial Simulation Take Over Situations: Part 3 – SQL Injection to Domain Admin

White Oak Security recently performed a red team engagement for a client where we discovered subsidiaries owned by their parent company (which we were testing against). All of these subsidiaries […]

White Oak Security recently performed a red team engagement for a client where we discovered subsidiaries owned by their parent company (which we were testing against). All of these subsidiaries were in-scope for this engagement. 

To explain this a little more, let’s start to look through simple Google searches for the various subsidiaries – an example request would look like this (site:DOMAIN-NAME). Reviewing these results, I came across an interesting web page.

screenshot of the vulnerable website white oak security found and tested

Like a curious pentester would do… I inserted a single tick into the field for the DatabaseName within the URL. Low and behold, a SQL error message!

Microsoft SQL error message was found

SQL Injection

After loading up this HTTP request in SQLMap, it was able to discover the injection point.

discover the injection point, this is where we put the SQL injection the screenshot shows code

Now let’s enumerate who the current user is within the database. This can be done by using the following flag within SQLmap – “–current-user”.

Now let’s enumerate who the current user is within the database. This can be done by using the following flag within SQLmap – “--current-user”.

Utilizing the “–os-shell” flag within SQLMap, we can execute Windows operating system commands on the remote host. Let’s run “whoami” to see what user we are currently running as.

Utilizing the “--os-shell” flag within SQLMap, we can execute Windows operating system commands on the remote host. Let’s run “whoami” to see what user we are currently running as.

Interesting… it looks like we are running as “administrador” – let’s gather some more information on this user account by issuing the following command “net user administrador /domain”.

this screenshot shows the SQL injection by White Oak Security was able to compromise the domain admins, or admins. del dominio in this case.

SQL Injection That Lead To Domain Admins

Jackpot! The user account we just gained access to through SQL injection is a member of the “Admins. del dominio” which is the “Domain Admins” group. At this point, we have successfully compromised the internal domain through SQL injection from a publicly facing website.

Domain Compromises

This was one of the craziest domain compromises I have come across due to the fact the remote database is being run as a Domain Administrator. Organizations that have publicly facing web applications within their environment should look into the following items to prevent unauthorized access:

  • Sanitize all user supplied input
  • Implement a web application firewall
  • Execute all web applications and databases utilizing the least privilege required to run the instance

Following these recommendations, as well as common best practices for web applications, your organization will be more secure and set up for future security success.

Read more about interesting take-over situations, part 1 and part 2.


Written By: Brett DeWall