Cyber Advisors Business Blog

Rick Forsgren's Day of Service

Written by Rick Forsgren | Jul 5, 2017 3:16:23 PM

One way in which Cyber Advisors employees promotes volunteerism and community involvement from its employees is the extra day each employee is given each year to volunteer for a cause of that employee's choosing. Below Rick Forsgren shares how he spent his day: 

Every year about this time, Hassan Elementary School in Rogers, MN has their annual Hassan Healthy Husky Day. This is a day for all Hassan students grades K-5 to get out of the classroom, stretch their legs, and let out some steam. More importantly, as the title of the event alludes to, this is an opportunity for them to participate in different events to get their young bodies moving in the effort to facilitate healthy activity.

I have three children currently attending Hassan Elementary and, when given the chance, always want to give back to the school that has done so much for them to this point. This event provides a golden opportunity to do that through volunteering a day of my time. Not only that, but I also get to briefly interact with all of the kids, parents, and teachers who participate as well. I chose, of course, to “man” the putting station for the day.

From the moment I entered the school to check in, I could see the excitement in all of the kids running by. Their eyes bright, their smiles wide, you could feel their anticipation of the event as all knew this was their chance to truly play on school time. Most of them have been through this before and appreciated (in whatever way they choose) what the day was going to bring. The kids are all brought outside to start the festivities by gathering them around the flag pole. At the moment everyone is situated, four students from Rogers Middle School, carrying old Stars and Stripes, jog down Orchid Ave towards the school escorted by three squads of Roger’s finest as they flash lights and blare sirens. Quite the sight, if you ask me. The students all realize the significance and go crazy as they approach. It is very easy to get caught up emotionally in these moments. In fact, I find it would be impossible not to. Once the group of middle schoolers and police stop in the center of the gathering, everyone joins in the Pledge of Allegiance. To hear all ages of student harmoniously reciting the words only heightens those earlier emotions. Once the opening ceremony concludes, it is what I best describe as “controlled chaos” from that point on.

The putting station was a lot of fun and crazy at the same time. More than a few would attempt to emulate Chi Chi Rodriguez in treating their putter as a sword (not to mention a couple Ken Griffey Jr. swings and even one Paul Bunyon…). We also had several putts that were better suited for a driving range. All that aside, the day went on without incident. In fact, quite a few of the kids were eager for a quick lesson and found themselves delighted by the outcome once they had the chance to use their newly acquired knowledge. I was pleased by the kids and their desire to learn and found myself truly enjoying the day.

The day ends pretty quickly as the last group leaves. We put in a little effort to clean up the station and say our goodbyes to the folks we spent the last six hours with. You can see everyone is feeling a little exhausted (mentally more than physically) and happy to have the day over, including me. There is, however, despite the tired feelings, a definite kid-like feeling that takes a little time to dissipate.