Cyber Advisors Business Blog

Preparing for a CMMC Assessment

Written by Kate Drankoff | Aug 23, 2021 7:17:15 PM

It's hard to believe that it has been almost one year since the Department of Defense implemented the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) to regulate cybersecurity preparedness across the federal government’s defense industrial base (DIB) and implemented it's interim rule to NIST SP 800-171. This is intended as a bridge to get federal contractors out of the inefficiencies of the past and into the new maturity model. The window of time to full compliance is closing fast - If your organization does DoD work for a government contractor, Cyber Advisors is here to help. 

Cyber Advisors is an approved Registered Provider Organization (RPO). The RPOs and RPs in the CMMC ecosystem provide advice, consulting, and recommendations to clients to help you navigate the CMMC. Cyber Advisors helps prepare our customers for CMMC readiness but does not conduct Certified CMMC assessments ourselves. 

When it comes to CMMC readiness, one of the first steps is working with our team in a discovery phase to see what types of controls and processes are already in place. From this process a score is produced and our team works with your organization on actionable tasks to achieve CMMC readiness. These tasks vary and include anything from hardware replacement to policies and controls implementation. Cyber Advisors helps you develop your System Security Plan (SSP) and works with your organization to identify and document control weaknesses in your Plan of Action & Milestones (POA&M). This phase often incorporates the Cyber Advisors vCISO practice to help understand which controls and risks need to be addressed. 

Get Started: Engage with the Cyber Advisors team to take next steps on your CMMC journey.

Check out additional Cyber Advisors CMMC blogs featuring an interview as well as what you need to know when it comes to CMMC. 

Cyber Advisors CMMC profile: