IT Budgeting - Best Practices for your IT Budget
Matt Kanaskie 11/02/2023
3 Minutes

Budgeting for Your IT Services at the End of the Year

As the year draws to a close, businesses of all sizes turn their attention to budgeting. One crucial area that often poses challenges is IT services. The rapid pace of technological advancements and the critical role of IT in business operations means that budgeting for IT isn't just about dollars and cents – it's about ensuring business continuity, security, growth, and innovation.

With insights from trusted sources, let's delve into effective strategies for year-end IT budgeting and uncover what percentage of your revenue should ideally be directed towards IT upkeep.

Why is IT Budgeting Essential?

In the digital age, IT isn't just a department within your company – it's the backbone that supports nearly all operations. A well-planned IT budget ensures:

  • Smooth Operations: Regular maintenance, timely upgrades, and proactive issue resolution.

  • Competitive Edge: Leveraging the latest technologies to stay ahead of competitors.

  • Risk Management: Investing in security measures to protect against cyber threats.

  • Experiences: Investing in tools for improved employee and client experiences when working for/with your company.
  • Maintaining Support: Investing in infrastructure and equipment will ensure your network is supported, updated, and patched.  

How Much Should You Allocate to IT?

A commonly cited benchmark is that businesses should spend between 3% and 6% of their annual revenue on IT (source: Gartner). However, the exact percentage can vary based on:

  1. Industry: Tech-centric industries like fintech might allocate more, while brick-and-mortar retail might allocate less.

  2. Business Size: SMBs might have different percentages compared to large enterprises.

  3. Growth Stage: Start-ups might invest more heavily in IT during the initial stages compared to well-established businesses.

  4. Compliance: Regulated industries will allocate more due to specific requirements to maintain compliance in their industry. 

It's vital to analyze specific business needs rather than following a one-size-fits-all approach.

Breaking Down the IT Budget

  1. Infrastructure and Hardware (20-25%): This includes servers, workstations, network firewalls, switches, wireless, and other essential hardware. Periodic replacements or upgrades are vital for optimal performance.

  2. Software Licenses and Subscriptions (15-20%): From your CRM to specialized industry software, licenses and subscriptions form a recurring cost. Remember to factor in potential new software adoptions for the coming year.

  3. Cloud Services (10-15%): As businesses shift towards cloud solutions, allocating a budget for cloud storage, backup, and disaster recovery, Software as a Service (SaaS), and other cloud-based offerings is crucial.

  4. Cybersecurity (15-20%): Given the rising cyber threats, investing in robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, antivirus, endpoint detection & response software, multi factor authentication, managed detection & response, and security training, is non-negotiable.

  5. IT Support and Staffing (20-25%): Whether you have an in-house IT team or outsource, ensure you budget for salaries, training, and potential hiring.

  6. Innovation and Projects (10-15%): Set aside a budget for new projects, innovations, or any major IT initiatives you plan to undertake in the upcoming year.

Expert Tips for Effective IT Budgeting

  1. Future-Proof Your Budget: While it's tempting to budget for the here and now, always have an eye on the future. Technologies evolve rapidly, and what's cutting-edge today might be obsolete tomorrow. Factor in potential advancements and trends when allocating funds.

  2. Stay Flexible: While it's essential to have a structured budget, ensure there's flexibility. Unexpected expenses are not uncommon in the IT realm, so having a contingency fund is wise.

  3. Engage with IT Teams: Your IT team or IT service provider can offer valuable insights into what's needed. Regular discussions can help prioritize expenses and ensure funds are allocated effectively.

  4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Instead of setting your IT budget in stone at the year's beginning, review it periodically, preferably quarterly. This allows for adjustments based on actual needs and unforeseen developments.

  5. Consult External Data: Organizations like Forrester and Deloitte periodically release IT spending reports, offering industry benchmarks and insights. Leveraging such external data can provide clarity on how your IT budget compares to industry standards.

In Conclusion

Year-end budgeting for IT services doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding where to allocate funds, tapping into insights from trusted sources, and employing strategic thinking, you can craft a budget that not only meets operational needs but also drives innovation and growth.

End-of-year IT budgeting is about striking a balance: ensuring day-to-day operations run smoothly while also preparing for the future. With proper planning and a forward-thinking approach, your IT budget can serve as a roadmap for technological empowerment in the coming year.

Note: The provided percentages and the mention of sources like Gartner, Forrester, and Deloitte are for illustrative purposes and might not represent exact current data. Always consult the latest research and industry reports when budgeting.

Reach out for more info!


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